Where to Rent Outdoor Gear
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall
Love the outdoors but don't want to worry about bringing your own gear and equipment? No Problem!
Saratoga has plenty of rental options for you.
Think Airbnb but for Outdoor Gear Any Time of Year
Choose from dozens of products made available by locals in the area. Have it delivered wherever you want or pick it up yourself.
All products and providers within the Shurable community are vetted for a safe and friendly rental experience.
Flexible Reservations allow you to reserve your product(s) and easily change or cancel up to 24 hours prior to your rental start date.
Easy as Riding a Bike!
You'll find these bikes in bike racks around town. To rent one, just sign up for a CDPHP Cycle! membership through the website or mobile app and pick your plan.
To release your bike, enter your 6-digit account number and 4-digit PIN into the keypad on the back of the bike to unlock it.
Place the U-lock in the holster before you take off. To make a quick stop, press the 鈥淗OLD鈥 button and lock the bike to a rack.
To end a ride, just lock your bike to any CDPHP听Cycle!听 station.听 Or, lock it to any fixed, public object that does not block any public right of way.
Rental Gear for Every Season
From kayaks, bikes, and cross-country skis to tents, packs and sleeping bags, most of our stores carry a mix of rental gear for all kinds of outdoor adventures at reasonable rates.
Call the Saratoga/Wilton EMS store to find out selections and details. (518)580-1505.听
Snow Shoes and X-Country Ski Rentals
On winter weekends beginning in January, Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park volunteers staff a snowshoe and cross country ski rental center in the log cabin adjacent to the Camp Saratoga Parking Lot #1 on Scout Road from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Rentals are for use at the Preserve & Park. Trails have a difficulty rating of beginner (level trail with no hills) to intermediate (moderately rolling trail with some hills.)听 Three main loops are available with increasing distance from the parking lot.
Boat & Watersport Rentals
Pontoons, Small Boats, Kayaks, Paddleboards
For fun on the water, you can rent kayaks, paddleboards, hammocrafts at the on Lake Loney. They require a 3-hour minimum rental for at least 2 people and you can book online.
across the street, also rents kayaks and paddleboards along with jon (fishing) boats. The 4-mile tranquil waterways weave through the Lake Lonely outlet to Saratoga Lake.
at Browns Beach on Saratoga Lake, also offers pontoons, kayaks and paddleboards.
If you want the most flexibility, try , they are self-serve and have several locations, including Round Lake, Malta and Hudson Crossing Park, Schuylerville.
Want Even More Ideas? Check out our seasonal pages for all the latest activities and events. While you're at it, why not plan on visiting our many relaxing hotels and delicious听restaurants.